Competition Survival Guide


ALWAYS ARRIVE AT LEAST ONE and A HALF HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR FIRST DANCE! READY TO DANCE. Arriving more than hour an a half earlier is even better! Arriving with plenty of time allows you/your dancer to feel less stress, do any costume or makeup adjustments. It also allows the dancer to get into the correct head space for competing, and the team can warm up, practice, prep together as a group. Additionally, it makes it so your teacher/director doesn’t get stressed out worrying about where you are!


– Costumes in hanging bags / on hangers
We recommend you buy garment bags, one for each costume, then label the bags with hair, shoes, jewelry and makeup information for that dance. LABEL EVERYTHING with dancer name (shoes, tights, bras, etc)

– Stain stick (for quick stain removal)

– Extra tights (all colors you use, and more than one extra is preferable)

– BRING YOUR COMPANY JACKET and GSSD GEAR – COVER YOUR COSTUMES UP WITH YOUR COMPANY JACKETS so they don’t get stained/messy. Wear your company jackets and GSSD Gear at all awards.

– Large makeup box, Company Lipstick, Eye Lashes/Glue, Rhinestone Earrings (have extra if possible)

– Extra brushes and combs (include a tail comb for tidy parts)

– More heavy duty hair products than you think you could ever use gel, spray, etc.
Just say NO to whispies! Putting your hair in your ponytail or bun when it’s wet helps if you have unruly hair!

– All sizes and types of bobby pins. Bobby pins should match your hat if you are pinning a hat on.

– Make-up pencil sharpener

– Make-up remover wipes 

– Nail Polish Remover – NO PAINTED FINGERNAILS OR TOENAILS on the dancers, please!

– Q-tips

– Tissues

– Nude Bandaids

– Lots of Safety Pins! All sizes

– Water bottle with prefilled water

– Healthy snacks (enough to share is always good!) – and please steer clear of messy foods! Carrots, Raisins, Beef Jerky, Trail Mix, Goldfish, Granola Bars, Apples, etc are great comp snacks!


– Be kind and supportive of all dancers backstage, in the audience, etc.

– BE HUMBLE and super supportive of every dancer…give out plenty of high fives and compliments!

– DO NOT SPEAK ILL or NEGATIVELY OF ANYONE you never know who’s mother/father/friend/teacher, etc is within earshot. PARENTS…this especially applies to you as an audience member.

– Do your best to represent GSSD with pride, kindness, good sportsmanship and humility.

– Make sure you always stretch and practice before you go on.

– Help your fellow teammates with fast changes, hair, etc.


– Dance fiercely, from your heart and with confidence and enthusiasm. When you walk out onto that stage, OWN IT!
At AWARDS – One person per dance will go grab your award. Little dancers – take turns! No need to argue about who stands up to grab pins. If you have trouble figuring out who will stand for your dance, start with the oldest person in your group then go down from there.

– Don’t let yourself get distracted – focus, focus focus!

– Have a BLAST! You’ve worked hard for this give it all you’ve got!